atholic Wedding Music

Catholic wedding music is valued because it helps the congregation pray together. As St. Augustine said, "He who sings, prays twice."

Remember that a Catholic wedding is a celebration of the Catholic mass, so Catholic wedding music should be prayerful and beautiful. The wedding is regarded as a mystical, magnificent Eucharistic liturgy which is a sacred event. The church may have a preset selection of music that is to be used at weddings, although the couple is usually allowed some leeway for their own choices.

Classical music works well as Catholic wedding music because of its beauty and reverence. In short, pieces by J.S. Bach, Pachel, Handel, and Mozart are excellent choices. Can contemporary songs be included? This is up to the individual church. The music must meet the guidelines outlined before of beauty and celebrating the sacredness of the marriage vows.

Segments of the Catholic wedding include...

  • Prelude
  • Candle Lighting
  • Processional Music for Bridesmaid
  • Processional of the Bride
  • Responsorial Psalm
  • Offertory Song
  • Communion Song
  • Communion Mediation
  • Presentation of Gifts
  • Communion
  • Recessional

Hymns are sung just as for any service occurring in the church. The words of the hymns must convey the love of God and the permanence of the marriage bond. These hymns can be found in the church's hymnal, and some suggestions are...

  1. Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)
  2. Panis Angelicus (Franck)
  3. Soul of My Savior
  4. Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All

Catholic wedding music often frowns on the popular "Here Comes the Bride" and "Wedding March." Why? This music originates in operas and ballets, and thus not regarded as sacred. Many classical choices exist that are just as beautiful, if not more so than these traditional selections.

Most Catholic parishes have a music specialist available who will help you select the music for your service. That person will work with you to be sure the holiness of the ceremony is maintained, while integrating your wishes as much as possible. Financial compensation is expected for the services of the organist and cantor, as well as any other musicians hired for the wedding service. Check with your parents regarding the music played at their weddings; incorporating those selections in your wedding would be a beautiful way to honor them.

If you would like to include a different instrumental ensemble, such as a string quartet, discuss this with the church's music minister. Your ensemble should have arrangements for the selections that are to be played, of course. You may even want to include the church choir in your wedding ceremony.