Fashion Shoes

Fashion shoes or sensible shoes? We like to have both. We usually buy our shoes to match our clothes, but sometimes we make an impulse buy of a pair of high heeled stilettos and then go trudging round the shops to find a slinky dress to go with them. Big mistake! We never quite find the dress to go with the shoes! But if you buy a pair of shoes you can wear with jeans or skirts you've got it covered.

Should we buy expensive, branded shoes that will only last a season or two or should we go for the bargain priced shoes that will last us all year? You'll find some online stores specializing in up to the minute fashion shoes. These are usually the cheapest place to buy your shoes. Branded fashion shoes will cost you more but will be better made and will last longer. But does this matter if the shoes are only going to be in fashion for a season? The comfort may be worth it but the quality may not. If you have plenty of spare cash and budget is not a problem then you'll probably go for the branded, or if you can afford it the designer shoes.

Budget fashion shoes are a great option for all of us who work for a living. Not too expensive, we feel good because we can proudly show off our savvy fashion sense and we're not too upset when the fashion changes and we have to throw them out. If I've blown a weeks' wages on a designer pair of shoes and they go out of fashion I'm crying all the way to the bank!

I'm much more likely to invest a large amount of money on a classic pair of shoes or boots than to splash out on an expensive pair of fashion shoes that I know will only last a few weeks. That said I have the occasional pair of fashion shoes in my wardrobe that I probably wouldn't call budget! They were an impulse buy that cost me more than I planned to spend. I'm getting wiser and will now usually go and buy my sensible shoes online with a voucher code or when the sales are on, leaving me extra cash to buy a more expensive pair of fashion shoes. Do I buy the fashion shoes even if I don't like them or they don't suit me? Yes I have to admit I usually do!